Become an associate. If you are interested in becoming our partner, we would like to invite you, owners of wholesales, retail shops, department stores, to visit us in order to talk about possibilities of future cooperation. More...

Here you can find and download the documents about the PIB (Tax Identification Number), PEPDV form (VAT form) and other data about the Company Trgo-produkt and Koyote. All documents are in the PDF format.  More...

Download section is reserved for our advertisements, promotional films and other promotional videos. DivX codec is required to view these files. More...

Our products can be bought via the Internet. All you have to do is fill in and send a request form. You will then be contacted by our staff from the commercial sector. More...


SPECIAL OFFER – with the purchase of a bicycle, you get roller-sneakers. 
The absolute hit in the world and our country! Do not miss a chance to make your kids happy! Izzy roller-sneakers!



SPECIAL OFFER – free assemblage of all bicycle parts which have been purchased in our stores.
If you own a shop, wholesale or retail shop, and are interested in becoming our partner we will be glad to invite you as our guest to talk about possible future cooperation.

New version of Koyotesport web presentation is on web. Find out something from our prodact programm.

Become an associate. If you are interested in becoming our partner, we would like to invite you, owners of wholesales, retail shops, department stores, to visit us in order to talk about possibilities of future cooperation. Become an associate. If you are interested in becoming our partner, we would like to invite you, owners of wholesales, retail shops, department stores, to visit us in order to talk about possibilities of future cooperation.